Agile/Scrum team project – Deployed command line cloud messaging service to AWS EC2 using RDS(MySQL) database for user, group, and messaging persistence written in Java including Junit tests, and CI with Jenkins, Git, Jira, and SonarQube.
Designed and programmed 3D printed Arduino robot utilizing IR sensors. Coded in C/C++ to complete line maze, and, drive the length of a table and back without falling off, completing level 1 table-bot challenge at Home Brew Robotics Club.
View CodeProject team lead assigned to improving and increasing robot block acquisition success rate +60% through improved logic and application of OpenCV; collaborated with teams to solve odometry, mapping, and obstacle avoidance; physical and simulation testing using Python2.7, C++, ROS1, and Gazebo - 3rd Mission to Mars/4th Physical Rover
Python Flask web application deployed to Google Cloud Platform that allows the creation of your own madlib that, once filled out, will displayed to the user along with a random selection of stored madlibs. A copy of the completed madlib is then stored into a Google Datastore NDB
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